First Christmas at Home!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Ok that title is semi-misleading but it was shorter than "First Christmas at our New House!" It was fun setting up our house for Christmas, having friends over and having our own Christmas just the two of us.

We kept it pretty simple this year, we had a nice dinner out and then came home and got in our PJ's and had our own Christmas exchange.  We had a lot to be thankful for with a new home and new baby on the way. Jason definitely spoiled me though as I only got him a few small presents and he spoiled me (but I'm not complaining).

 From Erin and Chris-can't wait to see him grilling in this!
 And so excited about these cute decals for baby's monthly pictures!
 My gift to Jason- I was so happy when I found this shirt for him. It says "The mountains are calling and I must go!" He loves Texas but definitely misses the mountains a lot!

 Sweet gifts from my dear friend Jessica-she is the cutest.
 Ok I have to tell teh store behind these beautiful bracelets. 

Thsi year at work, I was in charge of curating a silent auction for our big gala (in addition to all my other duties from last year). It was a massive undertaking but I had fun and learned a lot. I gathered (with help from a committee) over 200 auction items. There were trips, jewelry, spa days, restaurant gift cards, etc. But the one thing I wanted from the entire lot was a set of 3 pearl bracelets. They were beautiful yet affordable and I asked my husband and my dad to bid on them at the night of my event. 

My event came and they knew their mission! My dad and Jason kept bidding all night until finally someone got the final bid on the "Buy it now" option where you pay 150% of value (great for my auction, not great for me!). Jason told me I didn't get them that night and I was bummed but knew life would go on!

Then Christmas came and I opened several presents that I loved-a pretty maternity shirt and a baby heart beat doppler- seriously amazing gift! But then he ran upstairs and brought back this perfectly wrapped gift. And what was inside? The pearl bracelets. He had gone to the store where they got him all set up with the bracelets and in turn, made me feel like a queen. The pearls are beautiful but the thought behind them made my Christmas!

And my parents got us this beautiful painting of Christ with a baby and we hung it that same night. Jason's parents bought us our baby dresser and we feel so lucky to have such a loving and generous family. This baby is going to be spoiled with love!

Merry Christmas! Dallas Christmas photos to come next!


  1. Sounds like a perfect Christmas! Can't wait for your little girls arrival! Love those bracelets, what a wonderful surprise!!

  2. Does the heart beat doppler actually work well? I told my husband we should get it, but since I can feel the baby moving a lot now he said there is no need :( Those bracelets are gorgeous too!

  3. I love your First Christmas at Home ornament. You are so good at remembering those things.
